Can’t wait for it to be over
Then it is
What a relief
A sigh satisfaction reward
Bookend with a frappe
Used to be a cigarette
Kick back it was a long haul
Now it seems the whole affair
Just didn’t happen
No sweat pushing through
Keeping at it
A memory vanished
How easy life becomes
A series of mile posts
Now I’m here
That one is past then another
Some move by slowly
Others a blur
Then the sneaky feeling
Where was the rest of that time
Where did it go
Was there something to be missed
While holding my breath
I’m where I wanted to be
At the end of that unpleasantness
Got what I wanted
But it’s over
I could have done so many
I’m banging on the door
To the past now
Let me in let me in
I need to make up for all that
I don’t want to be older
Don’t want to be looking back
What in the world have I done
Let me in