She passed by last month
Almost unseen not felt
Like the other times
No secret messages for me
No emotions stirred
Quietly I slept unawares
Yet secure in her presence
She swept across the heavens
Pushing clusters of puffy
Night clouds off to the horizon
The sky clear in her wake
Her cheeks filled and blew
Cleansing wind through the trees
In high pitched howls low roars
Across fields and bays
Scouring the last remnants
Of winter’s dust and torpor
Rain and snow mixed next day
Pelting ground and path
A final wash and polish
As if to ready for her next pass
Drawing open the curtains
To another glorious Spring
Words cannot describe
What transpires in the soil
On branches end
From nothing life scrapes
Together tools elements
Spirit memory being instinct
To break the inertia of winter’s
Hug and grasp
Warm days are warmer
Longer days creep into
Every dawn and sunset
Soon she will return
To see what we have
Done and felt