Cliff Wise
Nov 23, 2021
Photo Teigan Rodger


Underestimated to say the least

Not even considered

Most of the time

Overlooked when offered

Options always have value

Space to change your mind

Add something left out

The first time around

They wait quietly

For the right time

To be exercised

They carry their own verb

Wherever they go

Contracts like them

Nestled in the small print

It makes them feel complete

Options are freedom

Can bring joy

When remembered

Never closed always open

Like to be taken

Into consideration

If I don’t have them in life

I feel closed in

When they know you have them

You’re treated differently

Appreciation comes into play

Oh yes they can lead

To irresponsibility

With regard to change

But you judge the irresponsibility

At the end not the beginning

The can gets kicked down the road

To where it belongs sometimes

You might get the idea

I value them


Cliff Wise

Book series - Anxiety is not Depression ‘Bring Order to the Chaos’, ‘Daily Reader’, ‘Questions and Answers’. The view from the inside about these disorders.