Cliff Wise
1 min readMar 24, 2021


Photo @danielmorris


When you wake up

You’re fully charged

Cant wait to get moving

Still the same fumbling around

With the coffee

Nevertheless a purpose

Floating around

Raw clay still

In the wrapper

Wednesday it wasn’t

Like that

It was a block of cement day

The beans wound up

All over the counter

Skip forward

How did it turn out

Was it a come from

Behind victory

The last shot at

The buzzer

Did the bus break down

In the way to the game

Is that even important

I look for the smile

At the end of each day

I don’t stop and say

Are we going to smile

Not like that

The smile is beyond

My control

It appears or not

On any day

Storm or sun

At its own pleasure

It means something different

Every time

Or has no meaning

And just shows up

Life’s pleasure comes

In small doses some say

For me it’s the smile

A friend winking

At you



Cliff Wise

Book series - Anxiety is not Depression ‘Bring Order to the Chaos’, ‘Daily Reader’, ‘Questions and Answers’. The view from the inside about these disorders.